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When Is the Right Time to Start Improving Your Career?


February 4, 2015

CSU Global’s Career Services Coordinator explains that you shouldn’t wait until you graduate to start taking control of your career.  There are plenty of ways to ensure career success long before your diploma is in your hands.



Students often ask when they should begin to plan for the transition from college to career and my answer is always the same…”now”! It is never too early to start building an effective career management plan or strategy, in fact, in my experience, this is (and should be) an ongoing endeavor that lasts throughout your professional career. Career Management is dynamic. At CSU Global, we have an entire career counseling center dedicated to helping students take charge of their career.  You don’t have to wait until you graduate.  Many of our students are already working while earning their degrees. Much of the knowledge they gain in their programs can be used immediately in their current position, regardless of whether or not their current job is in the same industry they hope to be in after they graduate. Here are some key areas of support we offer through the CSU Global Career Center:

  • Locate Information on Finding a Job, Landing a Job, and Keeping a Job– The staff in the Career Center can provide tips and tricks on how to get a job after college, resume creation, internships, being successful on the job, and much more.  You can also search for open positions through our integrated Indeed job search tool.
  • Resume Review– First, you will have access to our OptimalResume tool which will help you create your resume and cover letter, as well as a portfolio.  Then, our HR professionals will review your resume and cover letter to ensure that they get noticed.
  • Meet with a Career Coach in Your Field of Interest– Students and alumni can meet with a Career Coach of their choosing up to three times to discuss any career related topics including job search strategy, networking, the value of professional associations, and more.  Consider scheduling your free career coaching session today!
  • Request a Reference Letter from a Faculty Member- Do you need a reference from a faculty member to include in your professional portfolio?  Applying for graduate school and need a faculty reference? Consider requesting a faculty reference directly through the Career Center.

If you are a current student, visit the Student Career Center in the portal today and discover all of the resources available to help you manage your current and future career!  If you aren’t a current student, check out to learn how earning your degree can transform your career.  You can also speak to an enrollment counselor to learn more about how we help you with your education and finding a job.