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Up with People Inspires in Aurora, CO


September 15, 2016

At 18 years old, Aurora, Colorado native Alex Steinkamp, took a gap year before entering college to travel the world with Up with People. This community-based traveling performance group spreads their mission of bringing the world together through community service, activism, and high energy performances across the globe.

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Alex before his hometown performance, sponsored by CSU Global, to learn more about the organization and its impact on him, his community, and the world around him.

Up with People Inspires in Aurora_970x218

Colorado State University-Global Campus is thrilled to be sponsoring the Up with People show in Aurora, Colorado this Saturday, September 17, 2016. To learn more about the mission of Up with People and get an inside look at how the performers and the communities they visit are impacted, I sat down with performer and admissions representative, Alex Steinkamp.

Alex’s positivity, energy, and enthusiasm for Up with People was apparent from the moment we met. A performer all his life, Alex jumped at the opportunity to take a year after high school before going to college. He enjoyed a life-changing year of travel, performance, and meaningful community service with Up with People.

After returning home to purse a bachelor’s in history with a double minor in sociology and political science, Alex knew he wanted to continue spreading Up with People’s message. He stayed connected with the organization by volunteering at the Up with People Camp during the summer, and is now volunteering full-time as an admissions representative.

Now 24 years old, Alex has a new perspective of the world and it’s all thanks to Up with People. As you read Alex’s interview below you’ll see how community-based organizations like this can not only allow you to travel the world, but ready yourself for the global workplace we live in.

CSU Global: How has Up with People impacted your future career or education aspirations?

AS: Up with People has taught me that there’s no right way, or best way, to live life. I don’t know where I will land or even if I should land, and that’s ok. After traveling much of the world I see how many opportunities are out there and that’s awesome. Maybe I’ll go back to school and earn my graduate degree. Maybe I’ll hop on a cruise ship and continue performing and traveling. Maybe I’ll go to Los Angeles or New York to find my big break…the possibilities are endless. For now, I’m with Up with People until January, after that, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Regardless of what my next move is, I know my involvement with Up with People will help get me there. I’ve made so many connections with people around the world, not to mention our extensive network of alumni who value the global, non-traditional education I’ve had. The skills I’ve acquired are invaluable to my success no matter where I decide to use them.

CSU Global: Wow, it sounds like Up with People really changed your life. How do you want audience members to feel after an Up with People show? What’s the takeaway?

AS: That depends on who is watching. I want kids to come away inspired. We want to expand perspectives and open up worlds that may not have been accessible in their local communities. Through our performances, kids get to see how other communities live, what their expectations are, how they’re similar to us, and how they’re different. No matter what you might think or see, there are more opportunities out there and that’s what kids (or adults) need to know.

If it’s adults watching, I want them to feel reinvigorated by what young people are capable of. Our performers range in age from 18 to 29 years old and we’re game changers. We’re not just putting on a show to put on a show, we’re showing people what we can do, and what we have done, in the communities we’ve visited. It’s never too late to get involved and make a difference.

CSU Global: How has Up with People influenced the communities they visit?

A lot of people think we’re just a traveling performance group, but our show is an expression of the Up with People mission and culture that we’re built on. It’s much more exciting and engaging than just telling people what we do and why, and we have a lot of fun doing it.

Our community service is usually based on what the community needs or the mission of our sponsors. For example, in Billings, Montana we brought awareness to human trafficking because that’s a big problem in their community. In Mexico we focus on education and instilling hope in their youth. In Brazil we worked with the United Nations, and in Sacramento, California we addressed world hunger.

CSU Global:  What are you guys doing in Aurora while you’re here?

AS: We’ve got two focuses here in Aurora: parks and education. We’ll be cleaning up parks and going into high schools to promote global awareness and conflict resolution. Our “Take a Stand” workshop shows kids how to stand up for themselves and others without escalating a situation. We teach them how to appreciate, respect, and learn from one another no matter how different or similar they may be.

CSU Global: How does it feel to be performing and volunteering in your hometown?

AS: I’m so glad to be back in Aurora, sharing my experiences with my friends and family. I’m happy to see my loved ones getting involved by sponsoring performers in their homes and coming to see me perform on Saturday. It’s just goes to show how one person can influence others and that’s our whole mission!

CSU Global: In a nutshell, what is Up with People to you?

AS: Up with People is an awesome organization working to bring the world together. It lets the world know that young people have goals and can make a difference and a positive impact through music, community service, and helping people.

Alex S. - UWP Interviewee

CSU Global: What can you tell me about the show on Saturday?

AS: Every three years a new show is developed and put on tour across the globe. Our current show is called “The Journey” in commemoration of the 50 year anniversary of Up with People.

“The Journey” is one of the biggest shows we’ve done and spans across time, space, and culture. We visit different decades and cultures through song and dance with 100 international performers. It’s extremely high energy and entertaining, you don’t want to miss it.

CSU Global: How long will you be touring?

AS: Each tour is 22 weeks long. We visit 17-20 cities on at least two continents: the United States and Europe or Asia. We usually also visit Mexico because our presence there is big and the Mexican people know and receive us with open arms. U.S. tours are broken up among different regions, so if you can’t make the Aurora show on Saturday, check our website for more performance dates and locations.

CSU Global: How is Up with People funded?

AS: We rely on sponsorships and grants, both as an organization and individually. For example, I was sponsored by a hardware store when I took my gap year. We stay at people’s homes when we travel in exchange for the community service we do.

Up with People also provides scholarships to performers who want to earn college credit while on tour.

CSU Global: How do performers earn college credit while traveling so much?

AS: Up with People offers up to 12 college credits through project-based learning from professors who travel with the group or utilize video conferencing. Performers can take what they learn through their community service and apply it to future aspirations in higher education.

CSU Global: Any final words for our readers?

AS: All I can say is Up with People is awesome and anyone can change the world and make a difference. All it takes is one step. If anyone is interested in taking that step with Up with People you can visit our website or %20ASteinkamp [at] (contact me directly)title=”Thinking of joining? Email Alex to learn more about the opportunity.” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer” if you’d like to become a performer.

I came away from our interview feeling inspired and motivated by Alex’s perspective on life and the multitude of ways to live it. I can’t wait to see the show on Saturday, September 17th! Lucky, for you, you’re invited too!

Click here to get the show details and grab your tickets before it’s too late. This is a fun event for the whole family that you don’t want to miss. See you there!