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CSU Global Hosts GoFundMe Storytelling and Marketing Pro Kelsea Little


November 8, 2021

CSU Global recently hosted Kelsea Little, GoFundMe’s Head of Brand Storytelling, as part of its Career Success webinar series. CSU Global Associate Director of Student Resources Jerid Counterman and Marketing Program Director Dr. Lee Ann Walker introduced Little to faculty, guests, and marketing students. 

Little began her GoFundMe career journey in 2013. She was offered a position as a customer happiness agent after connecting with the organization’s mission. In what she describes as a “kismet moment,” she accepted the offer even before leaving her initial interview. 

Since then, Little has helped build the company’s editorial strategy from the ground up. She moved from the customer support role to GoFundMe’s first Media Director, to Senior Manager of Brand Content, to her current role of Head Of Brand Storytelling. She is also the host, creator, and producer of GoFundMe’s podcast, True Stories of Good People, and interviews everyday heroes from around the world who are working to positively impact their communities and improve the lives of their fellow humans.

Kelsea Little, head of brand storytelling at GoFundMe

Little’s Advice:

  • Always be the squeaky wheel. “If you have talents or strengths that aren’t being utilized in your current role, you need to make sure the right people know about that.” 
  • The best marketing is created with the customer in mind. “It’s critical to understand who your customers are. Too often, we get excited by creative ideas, but if it’s missing that truth for your customers and knowing their actual experiences, it’s not going to resonate with them.” 
  • Have a healthy attitude for change. “There’s no benefit in being territorial in the workplace. Be confident in what you bring to the table, have a collaborative attitude, and work to lift others up where you can.” 
  • Be entrepreneurial. “Don’t sit on that brilliant idea. I don’t think there’s any harm in pitching your idea to the people who need to see it and getting them to dream along with you.” 
  • Always be thinking strategically. “Are there multiple efforts across the organization or your department that can be strengthened? Is there a gap in a project that your department can help address? Always be thinking this way.” 
  • It is OK to learn on the job. “I used to feel a lot of imposter syndrome, but we are all more than capable of figuring something out that we’re not familiar with. Real-world, on-the-job experience has been incredibly valuable in my career.”

Hear the rest of Kelsea Little’s insights, tips, and career advice: View the webinar now. 

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