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Press Release

Rock it sock it sock drive for the homeless


February 15, 2021

CSU Global is partnering with the Comitis Crisis Center to collect much-needed socks for individuals and families that are experiencing homelessness in Aurora, Colorado. At CSU Global we are proud to drive student success in a global society while recognizing the need to support the local community. As we think global, more than ever we need to act local.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Drop off any new socks at the CSU Global Headquarters, 585 Salida Way, Aurora CO, from now until Feb. 27 (lobby donation box is available to accept donations weekdays, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Please check out for a complete list of items to donate. 
  • We’ve created an Amazon wish list to easily purchase and ship sock donations from anywhere! (Please be sure to select the CSU Global Gift Registry shipping address.)

The goal of Rock It Sock It is to collect 3,000 pairs of socks. New, clean socks are an often overlooked yet critical item for those experiencing homelessness. Comfortable, dry socks can help improve the health and comfort of those who spend hours on their feet every day, often in extreme weather. Let’s work together to provide this essential item to our unhoused neighbors, and help them combat avoidable health complications. 

The Comitis Crisis Center provides the only emergency shelter program in Aurora, leveraging its location in a high-density area of homelessness in North Aurora near Colfax Avenue to provide a safe place to stay for an average of 150 people per night through its shelter and transitional housing programs. Comitis welcomes individual adults, children, families, and veterans. For over 50 years, Comitis has been providing effective and accessible services offering critical intervention, emergency housing, short-term treatment, follow-up aftercare, community outreach, and preventive education. These are offered to homeless, near-homeless, and the working poor of all ages. Services are provided 100% free of charge and include food, clothing, shelter, case management, parenting classes, functional family therapy, employment training, workforce development, life skills, financial literacy classes, and bus tickets. Comitis has a mission that “everyone has a home and is thriving and a Vision of Ending homelessness by inspiring hope and providing life-changing resources.” Additional partners include Aurora Chamber of Commerce, Aurora Fire Rescue, and Aurora Water.