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Using Your Job to Foster Goodwill in Your Community


December 23, 2019

community of people

Today’s workforce mostly comprises millennials, a generation that values charitable giving, volunteering, and social responsibility more than any other — and employers are taking notice. 

While major corporations like Bank of America, Merck, and Deloitte have offered employee volunteer and giving programs for many years, companies of all sizes and industries are beginning to offer things like paid volunteer time off, group volunteer dates, and community grant programs

If you’re interested in volunteering, already volunteer with an organization, or are looking to get your company involved in a cause, there are dozens of ways to do so. 

Check for Existing Volunteer Opportunities at Your Office

Is your company one of those that already offers time off for volunteering or sets aside dates for group volunteering? If so, ask your HR manager for information on how to get involved. Depending on the size of your company, there may be several options to choose from! 

Also be sure to ask about things like community grant programs. As an employee, you may be able to nominate causes you’re passionate about to be recipients of grant money. 

Find a Cause That Fits Your Company Culture

Corporate Social Responsibility — systems that help companies stay accountable to stakeholders, itself as a company, and the public and can cover everything from environmental to social justice causes —  is gaining in importance in the minds of employees, and not just at large enterprises. In short, today’s employees seek opportunities to give back, and some base job decisions on the availability of such opportunities in the workplace. 

If your workplace doesn’t offer a means of volunteering or giving back, there’s no time like the present to create a program. Chances are, you’ll find like-minded colleagues who are also interested in making a difference. 

Leadership at your company will likely applaud your efforts to give back. According to, when volunteer time is quantified and organized, it tends to be more effective. When your company commits to a cause and shows up consistently, you’re not just making a difference in the lives of those in your community, you’re helping to develop your company as a source of goodwill and community-mindedness. 

What’s more, good volunteer opportunities at your business will help attract new talent and can help improve job satisfaction for existing employees. 

Beyond the organizational impact, volunteering and becoming active in your business’s community can make waves: Such actions underscore a sense of togetherness and make a genuine impact on the lives of your neighbors. 

Not sure where to start? Check out programs through, or look into DonorsChoose — it’s an easy way for your company to support schools and classrooms in need.

Make an Impact All Year Long

While the the holiday season see an uptick in charitable giving and volunteering, just remember that people and organizations need your help all year long! Consider volunteering with after-school reading programs, helping clean up a park or beach in your area, committing to a lengthy project (like Habitat for Humanity), or working with existing organizations (like libraries) to help connect your business with those in need at any time of the year. 

There’s power in numbers – especially when you’re volunteering or being charitable. If you’re interested in sharing your time, talents, or treasure with an organization, just think how much bigger the impact could be with your employer’s support and your coworkers by your side.