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Success Tips From Moms and Teachers


May 16, 2018

In recognition of Mother’s Day and Teacher Appreciation week, CSU Global’s faculty and staff members share the best advice and tips for success they’ve received from their mothers, the mother figures in their lives, and their teachers.

The best advice/tip for success that my mother or a mother figure gave me was….

“The importance of gratitude and service….there is always something to give thanks for…there are so many ways to give of ourselves.” – Susan E. Smith, Sr. Enrollment Counselor

mother and son hike

“Never stop reading.” – Dr. Renee Aitken, Director of Assessment

“When I’d have a tough experience, Mom would always say, ‘Things will be better in the morning.’ She was right!” – Sue Worden, Career Navigation Services

“You can never get enough education!” – Dr. Lisa Bryan, Program Chair, BSMIS/MSDA

“Don’t take yourself so seriously.” – Dr. Paula Battistelli, Director of Academic Operations

“Never let anyone limit you, and never limit yourself. There is nothing you cannot achieve if you are willing to put in the effort. Never let ‘being a woman’ limit your choices or goals.” –  From a CSU Global Program Chair

“Success is not easy to come by — it takes much work and patience.” – Dr. Denise Eggersman

The best advice/tip for success that a teacher gave me was….

“Follow your dreams.” – Leon Chickering, Lead Professor, Marketing

dr felicia

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”
– Dr. Felicia Olagbemi, Program Chair

family at christmas

“Your best is all you can do. So do that!” – Dr. Robert Woerner, CSU Global Professor

“If you don’t love your students and respect what they are doing, you have no business teaching. You don’t teach English, you teach students. That’s the priority.” – CSU Global Faculty Member

“Slow and steady wins the race.” – Dr. Eric Muenks, Lead Faculty, Human Services

“Focus on the journey. Success will find you.” – Leslieann Humphries, CSU Global Faculty