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My Experience with CSU Global Career Coaching


January 24, 2018

 CSU Global Career Coaching

“What am I going to do now that I am back in the States? I haven’t had to look for a job in four years, and I am not sure how to best tailor my resume or how to effectively job hunt.”

These thoughts came to my mind as I was near the end of my Business Strategy course and looking to book a flight back to the U.S. I had spent a few months studying and traveling around Europe this year, and prior to this, I studied abroad in Spain during my undergraduate studies. I have been determined to one day live or work abroad. To me, this is important to my personal growth and to gain an overall business perspective for my career, as I am studying for a Master’s in International Management.

Being able to take my education with me at CSU Global has been incredible! I’m able to take classes virtually anywhere in the world. During my time in Spain, I gained insight and used raw data for one of my class projects. Having the flexibility of an online education allowed me to continue my studies and travel. How many people can say they’ve collaborated with classmates over tea in England or studied at a public library in Paris? Because of CSU Global’s online and accredited program, I could.

During the end of my time in Europe, I was looking more strategically for advancement in my career. Readjusting to life back in the U.S., particularly in terms of employment, was going to prove to be a challenge. Globally, the job market has become quite competitive. More employers are looking for candidates with bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

I knew that CSU Global had a career center but had not given it much thought before. I saw that they not only offered help with resume creation but also provided career coaching, which seemed like a great resource. I wanted to work with someone with experience in my industry who could discuss the challenges and opportunities for growth, and receive overall guidance.

I worked with Dr. Mike Laverty over two months, and I am so grateful for his guidance! When I was doubting my progress, he congratulated me on my strides. My favorite parts of his coaching were the mock interviews and tips for successful interviewing. Surely, I could have searched Google for basic interview questions, but Dr. Laverty provided great and honest insight. I can confidently say that my interview skills have improved — I even share the strategies I’ve learned with friends.

Ultimately, I was offered jobs at two Fortune 150 companies and I attribute my success to two things: Dedicated and caring individuals, like Dr. Laverty, as well as my desire to change and try new, innovative strategies. To students who are looking to make a career change or need guidance, I would recommend that they utilize the tools, resources, and support provided by CSU Global. We can always use an extra helping hand, and CSU Global is there to make sure you succeed each step of the way!