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The Most Common Personality Traits In Successful People


December 9, 2019

Healthcare Administrators at Work

Which Characteristics Best Predict Future Success?

Although you can’t exactly up and change your personality just to be successful, there are a few personality traits that you can recognize within yourself and nurture so that you’ll get into a better mindset and increase your odds of eventually achieving career success. 

Many successful people have already recognized these traits within themselves and worked on cultivating these traits to optimize their ability to succeed in the business world, allowing them to accomplish great things. 

To improve your chances of becoming a success in any industry, be sure to study this list of characteristics of successful people, then work on improving your ability to reflect each of these personality traits.

The more you can exhibit each of the following five traits, the better off you’ll be!


Even when things are at their darkest – when your business has yet to profit, when your workload just keeps mounting – smile! If you’re going through the worst of times, then the best of times is yet to come. 

Furthermore, learning to get through every day with a smile on your face will also help you motivate your coworkers, in addition to yourself. 

Instead of being pessimistic, be optimistic and face every challenge head on – see your failures as opportunities to learn and tackle the self-doubt.


“No one becomes a millionaire from being unprepared and disorganized; it’s a simple fact.” Laura Moxley, a lifestyle blogger at My Writing Way and SimpleGrad, says. 

“If you want to become successful, you need to start being on top of your work and home life, perhaps by introducing checklists of what you need to do every day or a rota system for the housework.” 

Becoming organized might be the easiest trait to develop because of the sheer amount of resources available (from diaries to apps) to help you become organized. By freeing yourself from constant admin work and disorganization, you can focus on success.


Many successful people didn’t make it big with their first attempt: some created products or founded organizations that ended up being complete failures. 

They had to pick themselves up and try again – and again, and again, and again – before they got it right and struck gold. 

Don’t expect achievements and accomplishments to come easily just because you’ve got a new attitude and work ethic; obstacles will still be there between you and success. Work, work, work, and never give up.


If you’re going to be successful in business, then you’ll most likely have to network and form connections with other people at some point. 

For those who are gifted with great people skills, utilize them in order to appeal to future employers or other business people with whom you want to connect. 

However, for many individuals, it can be difficult to strike up an easy conversation with a stranger – especially when your future is riding on it. While it will still be helpful to work on developing better people skills at your own pace, it is no longer necessary. 

Thanks to the digital age we are now living in, it is easier than ever to communicate with employers and business people through online mediums. There are countless resources available to facilitate communication in the business world without ever having to even meet. 

Whether you’re an outgoing person or not, it has never been easier to make connections and network effectively.


You’ll never get anywhere if you “play it safe.” Entrepreneurs – generally, the most successful people in the world, due to their amazing business, investment and people skills — have to serve as thought leaders and execute on their ideas. 

If you do what is expected of you and fit in with the people around you, you’ll never be noticed or inspired to do anything new and different. 

When society says no, you have to break down barriers and turn that ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ all by yourself, developing your risk-taking attitudes and standing out in a business environment. 

Whether you’re called eccentric or innovative, it all means the same thing: you have a willingness to let loose and do the opposite of what is expected of you, all in the name of amazing results and business opportunities.

What Else Can You Do to Improve Your Odds of Success?

No matter what field you’re trying to get into, whether it’s business, criminal justice, accounting or healthcare, you’ll have a better chance of achieving a successful career if you enter the field with the academic credentials, background knowledge and skills required to do great things in the space.

If you’re serious about becoming successful, then you should certainly consider getting a degree in the industry you’re looking to join so that you can develop the talent and experience you’ll need to succeed.

CSU Global offers affordable, flexible, and convenient online bachelor’s degrees and master’s programs in a variety of fields, including several of the fastest-growing industries. 

Whether you’re attempting to get your foot in the door, or looking to advance your career into senior-level or management-level roles, we’ve got you covered.

Why Should You Choose to Study With CSU Global?

We’re the nation’s first independent, accredited and 100% online state university, and our regionally accredited Bachelor’s and Master’s programs will help you gain the real-world skills you need to develop a successful career in any industry.

CSU Global has always been an online university, so our programs are purposefully designed to make online learning easy and effective. Choosing to study with us will help you to take charge of your future and elevate your prospects of achieving success.

You can rest assured that we’ll deliver an excellent education, as well as a degree that commands respect, since we recently earned several impressive rankings, including:

  • A Top 10 ranking for Best Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs and Top 7 ranking for Best Bachelor’s Programs for Veterans from U.S. News & World Report.
  • A #3 ranking for Best Colleges in Colorado from Best Value Schools.
  • A #3 ranking for Best Value Online Graduate School from Value Colleges.

And to save you both time and money, we offer competitive tuition rates and a Tuition Guarantee that promises your affordable tuition won’t increase between enrollment and graduation.

To get additional details about our regionally accredited, online Bachelor’s Degree programs and online Master’s Degree programs please give us a call at (800) 462-7845, or fill out our Information Request Form.

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