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January 4, 2023

CSU Global’s new MBA program propels its students to become leaders for driving strategy and making decisions with impact. Our faculty is made up of subject matter experts and industry leaders who are trained to understand and meet the needs of online students. In the second installment of this three-part Q&A series, learn more about the program and its benefits through the perspectives of our MBA program director and faculty members!

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a student preparing to enter our MBA program?

Dr. Debora Sepich (DS): Be prepared to make connections. You are building a network that will help you in the future. The best people I have ever met were in my classes in school, and they helped me figure out where I was, where I wanted to go, and how to get there. Jump in!

Dr. Kevin Cabe (KC): Don’t put it off because you feel like you don’t have enough time; there will never be a time in your life when you feel like you do. You will get a feel for how much time you need to put into each course. Putting it off just delays your graduation date. The MBA coursework will become just a part of your routine, and before you know it, you will be graduating with a highly-recognized degree that is valued in the workplace.

Dr. Jessica Perez (JP): Have a solid plan in place. The coursework will be challenging, but it is doable with discipline, focus, and perseverance. For those that have families, I encourage them to involve them in the process. I find those who include their families are happier, have support systems in place, and get better overall grades.

Dr. Stephanie Mayer (SM): Understand your “why” and purpose for receiving an MBA degree. The purpose of education is to teach you the skills you need to succeed. The motivation in wanting to learn these skills goes beyond just a grade point average. I recommend taking the time to understand what this degree will do for you and the outcomes you want from it.

What’s your favorite course to teach? Why?

DS: I love teaching Strategic Marketing, probably because I was a Chief Marketing Officer for many years, but I find that all the elements of business come into play. You need to put together project plans, be creative, be strategic, and be a great communicator (both verbal and written). You need to listen and interpret needs. You do research, you do data analysis, you work on a budget, and you need to understand consumer behavior. There is so much more! I love how all the pieces come together in this course.

KC: I love to teach MBA520 (Financial Accounting and Reporting)! This course allows me to interact with students about the most important concepts in the financial accounting world. Even if we are not full-time accountants – and most MBA graduates are not – we all need a base-level understanding of these financial topics.

SM: I enjoy teaching MBA 530 Financial Decision Making because it is different from the concept courses I am used to teaching. This course allows students to expand on the knowledge gained from previous courses on accounting and finance strategies and apply to real financial decisions. It also allows me to connect with students in a discussion-based forum and analyze financial decisions I’ve completed or am going through in detail.

JP: My favorite course to teach is MBA510 – Creating and Implementing Marketing Strategies. It’s strategic, practical, creative, and FUN!

If you missed them, check out the first and second installments of this blog series. And, if you’re looking to make a change in your professional life, learn more about CSU Global’s new MBA program (which can be completed in under two years) here.