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How Hard Is an Organizational Leadership Degree?


November 21, 2022

Recently, we discussed what organizational leadership is, why organizational leadership is so important, and why it’s a great field to consider getting into. Here, we’ll explore all the reasons why people think organizational leadership might be hard. 

As part of this review, we’ll also explain why it’s so important to get your degree before attempting to launch a career in this competitive industry, and why you should choose to enroll in an online degree program instead of an on-campus program.

We encourage you to fill out our information request form to receive additional details about our 100% online Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Leadership. If you’re ready to get started, submit your application today.


Why Do People Think Organizational Leadership Is Difficult?

There are several factors that contribute to the perception that organizational leadership degrees are difficult. These include:

  1. Most people don’t have much leadership experience: Many people looking to get a degree in organizational leadership are doing it for a reason; because they don’t have leadership experience! If you have extensive experience in management and leadership, you might find the program to easier than someone with little to no experience. 
  2. Organizational leadership is a complex field: Learning how to manage teams and run organizations is no simple task. It requires understanding strategic objectives, how different departments operate and work together, along with all the challenges involved in turning a disparate group of teams and employees into a unified team. 
  3. Organizational leadership has a steep learning curve: Without any leadership experience, you may find the topic to be challenging, but as you develop an understanding of best practices, the difficulty level will decrease.

Let’s look at each of these factors in additional detail to understand better what makes organizational leadership seem so difficult.


Most People Lack Real Leadership Experience

Not everybody has experience leading teams of people through complex challenges, and that’s one of the biggest hurdles to becoming an effective organizational leader. 

If you haven’t done any leading or management of your own, then you may find this to be a complex, even archaic field of study, but as long as you’re willing to put in the time and effort required to develop leadership skills, you should be able to succeed in this challenging field.

As you build your skills and knowledge about important processes such as teamwork building, dispute resolution, and strategic decision-making, you’ll find yourself much better suited to study and apply organizational leadership best practices and principles. 

The more experience you get, the sooner you’ll be able to develop true leadership skills that allow you to serve as an effective administrator or manager, and the less likely you’ll be to think of organizational leadership as being hard.


Organizational Leadership is a Complex Field

This is not the most straightforward field, since you have to develop skills in a variety of areas, and knowledge about a wide variety of topics, including subject areas that you may not have any experience in or awareness of whatsoever.

To prepare yourself for the hours of study that may be required, especially at the beginning of your program, make sure to develop a plan for allocating sufficient study time, and think about studying online rather than in person so that you can save time for other commitments like work or family responsibilities.

As you work your way through the initial courses, you’re likely to find that the foundational knowledge you’ve accumulated makes it far easier to grasp complex leadership topics, allowing you to much more quickly understand the connections between different topics, and helping you to develop the skill sets you need to succeed as a leader.

While your coursework may be demanding, remember that the skills you’re working on gaining will be invaluable in your future career as a manager, leader, or executive. Keep in mind that you can succeed in any leadership role you pursue with the right attitude and approach.


Organizational Leadership Has a Steep Learning Curve

Building on the two subjects covered above, some individuals may find organizational leadership exceptionally difficult due to the fact that they simply don’t have any experience operating as a leader, especially since the types of skills and abilities you’ll work on during this program aren’t necessarily intuitive.

But like any other degree program, the amount of time and effort you’re willing to put into your studies will play a huge role in determining how difficult you perceive the program to be. If you’re willing to devote the necessary time and effort to studying, especially early on when the learning curve is steep, you’re likely to find the program much less difficult than someone who is simply trying to scrape by.

Just remember that the knowledge and skills acquired from this program will be helpful in your future endeavors, allowing you to build long-term, successful career managing projects, navigating complex organizational challenges, and leading entire teams of people. 

If you keep that objective in mind, it’ll be easier to dedicate the time and effort required to achieve a successful result from this program, and you’re likely to have a much easier and more enjoyable time getting your degree.


Who Should Consider Pursuing a Career in Organizational Leadership?

While it is true that some skills are essential for any leader, all the skills you need to succeed in a leadership role can be learned throughout the course of CSU Global’s B.S. in Organizational Leadership program.

With that said, certain personality traits and characteristics may make you uniquely suited to succeed in this challenging field. 

If you’re on the fence about studying organizational leadership because you’re concerned that it may be too difficult, then look through the list of following skills and abilities, and if you find any of these relate to your own situation, rest assured that you’ve got the foundation to become an excellent organizational leader:

  • Strategic Thinkers – Strategic thinking allows leaders to see the big picture and understand how different parts of the organization fit together and work together to accomplish shared goals and objectives. If you’re the type who is able to see beyond the tactical and work strategically, then you are going to be a great candidate for a career in organizational leadership.
  • Great Communicators – Communication is vital for leaders because it allows them to share their vision with others, motivate people to get on board with their plan, build strategic and important relationships with other organizations and individuals, and resolve conflicts that inevitably emerge along the way.
  • Organizers – Leaders must be able to organize people and resources to achieve objectives effectively and efficiently, working within resource budgets and constraints. This includes developing plans, setting priorities, and allocating resources appropriately, and being an organized person will allow you to do a better job as a leader.
  • Problem-Solvers – Organizational leaders must be capable of solving problems since that’s their core objective Leaders are often required to find creative solutions to complex challenges, so being able to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions will be an excellent way to help your organization achieve success.
  • Decision-Makers – Organizational leadership requires making many decisions, some of which may have a significant impact on the organization or the individuals who work there, so leaders must be capable of being decisive, even during difficult situations. They need to be able to weigh different options and make sound decisions that will benefit the organization in the long run.

If you possess one or more of the above characteristics, then you might be perfectly suited to pursue a degree and career in organizational leadership.

Don’t forget that this is just a small sample of skills and traits that indicate you could make an excellent candidate. In reality, there are many other desirable traits not listed here, so don’t give up just because you don’t find think that the bullets above apply to you.

Also, while we’ve explained that studying organizational leadership may not be as difficult as some people think, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s “easy” either. If you’re serious about breaking into the industry, then it’s important you’re prepared to invest sufficient time in developing the skills you’ll need to succeed in this complex, challenging, and competitive field.

Getting your Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Leadership is the best way to ensure that you will succeed in that objective.


Do You Need a Degree to Break Into the Field?

Organizational leadership is a broad field that encompasses many different types of leadership positions, and while you don’t necessarily need a degree in organizational leadership to break into the field, having one could give you an edge that makes it easier to land a better job.

There are many benefits to pursuing a degree in organizational leadership. For starters, it can help you develop the necessary skills to be an effective leader. 

Organizational leadership courses often cover strategic decision-making, conflict resolution, policy development, organizational forecasting, and leading change, which are all essential roles for any leader, and having a formal education in these areas can give you a leg up o the competition when applying for leadership roles.

Earning your degree is a great way to get your foot in the door, especially if you don’t have any leadership experience. If you want a role in management, then this is a good route to take in order to accomplish that goal.


Should You Get Your Degree in Organizational Leadership Online?

Yes, you should think about getting your Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Leadership online, especially if you already have a busy schedule that you’ll need to maintain along with your studies.

Studying online will let you get your degree much more efficiently, which is particularly important for a major like organizational leadership, which may have a difficult initial learning curve.

CSU Global’s 100% online Organizational Leadership Degree program was designed to be completed entirely online, and it offers much more flexibility and freedom than traditional in-person programs.

Studying online with us means you’ll get to enjoy benefits like:

  • No set class times or physical locations.
  • Monthly class starts.
  • Accelerated eight-week courses.

If you’re serious about developing the skills needed to become an organizational leadership professional, but you’re worried about fitting courses and studies into an already busy schedule, then you should think about studying online with us.


Why Should You Choose to Study Organizational Leadership at CSU Global?

You should choose CSU Global because our online B.S. in Organizational Leadership is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, which is the most respected accreditation organization in the country.

To make sure that our program delivers the skills and abilities you’ll need for a successful career in organizational leadership, all of our faculty have recent experience in the field. 

Furthermore, this program was designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to launch a successful lifelong career in the organizational leadership industry, and you can be sure that your degree will be widely respected by employers because CSU Global holds several excellent rankings, including:

  • A #1 ranking for Best Online Colleges & Schools in Colorado from Best Accredited Colleges.
  • A #1 ranking for Best Online Colleges in Colorado from Best Colleges.
  • A #10 ranking for Best Online Colleges for ROI from OnlineU.

Finally, to help save you money on the cost of your degree, we offer competitive tuition rates and a Tuition Guarantee which ensures that your affordable tuition rate can’t increase between enrollment and graduation.

To get additional details about our fully accredited, 100% online Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Leadership, please give us a call at 800-462-7845, or fill out our Information Request Form.

Ready to get started today? Apply now!