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Colorado State University Global
July 2, 2015
When reviewing your resume, any potential employer usually asks themselves the following questions:
If they can find the answers they want from these questions in your resume, then you have effectively communicated your competencies as they relate to the position you are applying for. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary (2015), competency is defined as “an ability or skill.” This ability to do something successfully can come from actual experience and from education and training. In many cases, it’s a combination of both.
I have hired thousands of employees over the course of my career and discovering the true competencies of an applicant is, and always has been, the most important thing I can do when reviewing a candidate’s credentials, screening the candidate, and interviewing them. This is my mission and to some degree the mission of every hiring manager.
In my work with students at CSU Global I find that while they may have rich and diverse experience in the workforce and have done quite well in school and in their program here at the university, they cannot effectively convey these competencies and doing so is mission critical for how to get a job.
If you, as the student and as the job applicant, cannot effectively communicate your competencies you will likely be passed up for positions and opportunities that you are in fact well-suited for. Demonstrating competency, being able to effectively communicate those competencies (in writing and during the interview) is essential to success.
To see how you are currently doing at this, try answering the following questions:
You are likely able to relate your previous experience to the job you are applying for and to make those relevant, real-world, connections. What, in my experience, students struggle with is articulating their work as a student here at CSU Global and making that experience count as well. Through your educational journey you have demonstrated real competency. In addition to your work and life experience you need to use these competencies to your advantage as doing so will pay off.
How do you articulate and take advantage of these competencies – that is the question. The answers (some of them anyway) are below.
Speaking of competencies and the Student Career Center – I have worked diligently with a team of experts in their fields to develop what we call Branded Resumes. A Branded Resume template has been created for all of our students and alumni. There are templates for each of the programs we offer here at CSU Global and are available for your use. Each of these templates contains the core competencies for your program – this is what you have learned (or will learn) in the program. Now, with the help of the branded resume you can answer that question.
Accessing the Branded Resumes is easy. Go to the Student Career Center and locate the heading on the right of screen entitled “Need Resume Help.” From here you have two options. You can either select the link for the templates, locate your program and resume, and download that for your use or access the OptimalResume product – they are available there as well.
We are here to help. Please feel free to reach out to [at] csuglobal.edutarget=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer” with any questions you may have.
Here’s to your future!