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7 Things Successful Educational Professionals Do


October 31, 2018

Successful Professionals

It is important that educators and school administrators are focused on the success of students of all ages. Leaders in the education field are responsible for planning strategies, researching, and adopting/creating curricula that provide the best pathways for teacher and student achievement. To be a successful professional in the ever-changing field of education, take into consideration these actions and habits:

  1. Understand the importance of relationship-building. As an educator, forging strong connections with members of the community is important — these include not only students, but also guardians (if students are minors), local businesses and nonprofit organizations, and other industry professionals.
  2. Hold high standards with an accompanying growth mindset. The main goal of educators is to provide and assist in the academic progress of students, teachers, and educational institutions. This requires the ability to hold oneself and others to high standards for achievement, and to fully operate from a growth mindset — that is, the desire to constantly learn more and use that knowledge to make improvements. Educators understand that even a student who comes from a disadvantaged or underserved background is capable of being successful.
  3. Approach work with a focus on service. There may be times when teaching seems like a thankless job. But remember that the point of being in this profession is to help improve the lives of others. Successful leaders in this field must, at times, put the needs of others above their own. Being an effective professional in education requires a service-oriented approach — to know that the work one does is impactful and farther-reaching than individual goals.
  4. Know that learning is a continuous process. Educators know, perhaps better than any other professionals, that learning doesn’t necessarily end with a diploma or degree. They are often eager to learn more and share their knowledge with others. As an educator, it’s important to constantly update skills, methods, and gain more knowledge to solidify their position as experts in what they teach.
  5. Take advantage of professional development opportunities. This can be said for any field, but it is important to seek out and be involved in opportunities to develop professionally. These opportunities can take the forms of mentor relationships, conferences, webinars, continuing education, job shadowing, and any number of ways that enable a professional to learn from others in the field.
  6. Receive new ideas with an open mind. To be successful, professionals must be receptive to using new tools. This includes adapting to new ideas and methods, which will ultimately help teachers and students make progress and achieve maximum success.
  7. Maintain an optimistic outlook in the midst of challenges. Educators at all levels will face situations beyond the scope of what they are trained to deal with in the classroom or administrative offices. These are times when it is vital to recognize that most of these challenges have solutions, and that believing in oneself and in students can assist with overcoming these struggles.

Adopting these actions and habits, as well as holding a personal vision of success, will mean becoming a strong, capable, resilient, and adaptable leader in a field that is equally rigorous and rewarding.