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Colorado State University Global
March 30, 2020
We’re living through challenging, unprecedented times. Social distancing has become the new norm, and many people are forced to work from home with children and/or spouses occupying the same spaces.
In such a scenario, it may be difficult to stick to routines, stay motivated, and feel connected to friends and family. With all its difficulties, it’s important to keep in mind that this lifestyle is temporary. And with the right approach and frame of mind, you may find it easier to cope with the situation — even thrive during it. We’ve put together five ways to help you stay motivated and positive during this time.
Create a Productive Environment
If you find yourself working from home due to COVID-19 restrictions, remember: You’re not alone! There are hundreds of thousands of workers who perfected the art of working from home long before the outbreak. Here are some tips the experts swear by:
Move Your Body
The positive effects of exercise are well-documented and well known. There’s just no substitute for the health-boosting effects of activities like a brisk walk, yoga, a bike ride, a hike, or weight-lifting. Exercise helps stave off disease, enhance your mental health, improve sleep quality, keep your brain active, and strengthen your bones and muscles.
While your gym or yoga studio may have closed temporarily, there are plenty of ways to keep active at home. Many fitness companies now offer live-streamed or pre-recorded workouts that you can access from home. Try taking a walk or going for a run in the morning, or to break up your day. Get creative with what you’ve got on hand — an old milk jug filled with water makes a reliable weight in a cinch. And don’t forget to check the App Store — at-home workout apps are readily available, many of them for free.
Stick to a Routine
Routines are so important for our mental, physical, and emotional health. Right now, you may be dealing with a new daily “normal” that has impacted your typical routine. It’s more important than ever, given these circumstances, to establish and stick to a routine as much as you can.
Routines can help you become more creative, carve out necessary time to accomplish personal goals and tasks, sleep better, improve work or task outcomes, and reduce stress and anxiety.
Start by tackling your morning regimen. Set a time that you’ll get out of bed, exercise, eat breakfast, and begin work. How many hours will you stick to a task? When will you take your breaks, do laundry, or check in with a loved one? The more predictable you can make parts of your day, the more positive benefits you’ll experience from setting a routine.
Tackle That Project
Setting goals is extremely beneficial for your overall health. When you focus on a specific task or project, you’ll benefit from a sense of accomplishment and an improved sense of self. And the good thing is, goals don’t always need to be large in scope. Making a plan and tackling even small projects can help you feel the mood-boosting benefits of your accomplishments.
There’s a compounding effect, too — the more goals you set and tackle, the more optimistic you’ll feel about your ability to do so, which increases your chances of setting and successfully completing more goals. So, if there’s a task or project you’ve had in mind — learning a new skill or language, planting vegetables in your garden, completing a chapter or section of a personal writing project — there’s no time like the present to set and accomplish a goal.
Stay Connected
Study after study demonstrates the importance of social connections. Strong social connections have been shown to lengthen life, improve the immune system, and lead to feelings of acceptance, joy, and happiness.
And social connection is a positive feedback loop — the more you connect socially in meaningful ways, the more you’ll attract strong connections.
While you’re practicing social distancing, it may feel difficult to maintain these all-important social connections. But with a little creativity, you’ll find that keeping up with your friends and communities is well within reach. Try:
We may be living in unprecedented times, but there are plenty of ways to stay motivated and connected. With some creativity and planning, you’ll maintain your connections, maintain your physical and emotional health, and stay productive.