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Colorado State University Global
April 27, 2020
On average, we spend around one-third of our lives at work. So it’s important to reflect on the type of career, job, and industry that we would want to spend such a huge amount of time in.
We often hear, “Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Don’t confuse this with an unhealthy work-life balance! Instead, when considering how to decide which career would best match your skills, try to find one that you enjoy—one that sparks your interest and gives you a sense of purpose.
Wondering which long-term career you may be most suited to? Read on to learn some of the key factors to consider when making your choice.
One of the most valuable things to consider is the nature of your personality and the level of satisfaction that you would like to achieve from your work. Someone who is extroverted enjoys interacting with others and finds job satisfaction in roles that require a lot of socializing. Extroverts perform well in areas such as sales, medicine, healthcare, and customer service.
“Extroverts may find themselves unhappy in a job that requires them to work alone for extended periods. On the contrary, those who are more introverted usually prefer to work alone or in smaller groups. Careers in writing and editing, software engineering, and paralegal are mostly populated by introverts,” explains Fiona Adams, a writer at 1 Day 2 Write and Write My X.
It’s important to strike a balance between what you need and what you want. Geography is also another factor to consider. If you are someone who does not like hustle and bustle, you’ll want to avoid a city-based career that involves a long commute. Likewise, if you are someone who loves fast-paced city life, you may not want to settle in a job that requires you to work remotely. However, don’t paint yourself into a corner! Remember that people are complicated, and personality works on a spectrum.
“So, you know the type of career that you want, but what is the best way to go about getting that dream job? Try choosing a path that utilizes the skills that you already have or learn skills that will take you in a new direction,” says Rachel Christensen from BritStudent.
Matching your future career to your current skill set may mean that your interests and experience are better aligned. For example, a mechanic who’s tired of working in an auto repair shop may take an engineering course so they can work on design projects in an office instead. Not only does the former mechanic now have new skills, but their prior knowledge in the industry will also be a great advantage in the new role.
So, when considering your long-term career path, it is wise to spend time reflecting on several factors and practicalities that will impact overall job satisfaction. Finding a balance between personality and job role is crucial in finding long-term happiness in your work. Exploring all corners of your individuality will help you find a career that challenges and inspires you.