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Back to the Future! Taking a Look at Life and Education in 1955, 1985, and 2015


October 20, 2015

Any Back to the Future™ fans out there? Today, October 21, 2015, is the day that Marty McFly arrives in the future in Back to the Future Part II. Throughout the Back to the Future series, Marty travels throughout modern history, including to his parents’ era of 1955, his present day of 1985, and to what seemed like the distant future year, 2015. There may not be hoverboards and neon astronaut-like clothing in today’s daily life, but things sure have changed since 1985 and 1955, including education!

Over the past 60 years, not only have prices, pop culture, and technology evolved, but more and more people are seeing the value and need for formal education, especially as the cost of living continues to rise and the job market becomes more and more competitive. Unfortunately, with still only 34% of adults in the U.S. with a bachelor’s degree compared to 17% in 1985, it’s still a slower increase than the average price of a movie ticket (maybe to see Back to the Future Part IV in 3D?).  And with over 31 million adults who have completed some college but no degree, according to US News, there is a lot of room for significant growth in the next 30 years…and hopefully by then we will have our hoverboards.

Looking to go back to school to secure your future? CSU Global is waiving its application fee for today only. Apply using the code FUTURE.

back to the future infographic