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MBA Q&A: Part II


January 4, 2023

CSU Global’s new MBA program propels its students to become leaders for driving strategy and making decisions with impact. Our faculty is made up of subject matter experts and industry leaders who are trained to understand and meet the needs of online students. In the second installment of this three-part Q&A series, learn more about the program and its benefits through the perspectives of our MBA program director and faculty members!

How does virtual learning benefit CSU Global MBA students?

Dr. Debora Sepich (DS): Life is crazy. Your time is always being co-opted by work, family, friends, and your own needs! The virtual learning experience allows you to schedule your time in a way that fits your schedule best. I completed my doctorate in a virtual environment; my daughter was in high school and my son was in college. I made sure my study time coincided with my daughter’s. I used my weekend evenings after our family time to commit to study. I always had my books with me and would read on planes, trains, and automobiles (when I wasn’t driving). I made it work, with a schedule that I could more easily manipulate. That is the beauty, along with the ability to always go back to revisit content, lectures, online readings, discussions. It’s always there, not just for three hours on a Tuesday.

Dr. Kevin Cabe (KC): Virtual learning allows students to use a variety of learning resources. We don’t all learn in the same way. The virtual learning environment allows for varied learning styles to succeed.

Dr. Stephanie Mayer (SM): Virtual learning benefits CSU Global MBA students because it teaches them to communicate properly and directly. This allows students to speak up for themselves and understand the proper communication channels that will allow them to succeed. This is also an important ability in a business environment to be able to ask direct questions to fulfill goals and tasks. With more companies looking to promote remote working environments, the communication skills gained from a CSU Global MBA degree will provide a leverage of success in a position in business.

Dr. Jessica Perez (JP): Virtual learning is becoming the new norm for busy professionals. These learners want to be challenged academically to help them grow professionally. Virtual learning is helping do just that: challenge students to not only learn something new, but to apply it in the classroom and ultimately in their current or new careers.

Why will an MBA degree from CSU Global set students up for success?

DS: Students work on projects that are true to what they will work on in their workplace. Many of the projects will ask the students to select a past or current work issue to solve. The exposure to so many stories, issues, experiences, and approaches help students see that there isn’t just one solution. Students will be able to design solutions to problems and more critically, make decisions about the best course of action.

KC: An MBA degree is one of the most widely recognized graduate degrees in the world. Employers know the value they receive from an MBA graduate. Understanding the broad scope of the business world is an important trait to bring to the workplace.

SM: An MBA degree from CSU Global sets students apart from others based on the direct learning material provided from each course. These courses allow students to apply concepts to real-world situations and examples to apply from. Communication with classmates also allows for further success to learn from a very diverse group of people. The weekly discussion boards provide discussion on each topic for further understanding and application through the sharing of experiences and other materials from each student.

JP: The CSU Global platform is superb. The quality of the coursework is realistic to what we do in the field. Too often universities focus on theory – which is important, but not realistic in the business sector. The MBA from CSU Global is tailored to actual practice which is more relevant and what MBA learners want.

If you missed it, check out the first installment of this blog series. And, if you’re looking to make a change in your professional life, learn more about CSU Global’s new MBA program (which can be completed in under two years) here.