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Finish What You Started: Upskill With an Accelerated Bachelor’s Degree


February 15, 2021

Woman Studying Accounting

Did you know that only one in three public university students graduates in four years? And at private universities, more than a third of students haven’t completed their bachelor’s degree within six years!

We completely understand! Life can get in the way. Maybe the cost of completing an on-campus education was too high. Maybe you had family or job obligations. Or maybe you simply hadn’t discovered your passion yet.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to remember that it’s never too late to finish your bachelor’s degree — and an online degree is a perfect way to do so. 

Why Finish Your Bachelor’s Degree?

The prospect of going back to school can seem daunting, but entering the workplace without a bachelor’s degree will put you at a serious long-term disadvantage.

According to third-party data of our 2019 graduates, CSU Global bachelor’s degree earners experience more than a 6% increase in salary in just one year after finishing their degree. Within five years of finishing their degree, those same graduates are earning more than 40% more than their counterparts without a college degree. Even more compelling? The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that those with a bachelor’s degree make almost 70% more than those with only high school diplomas.

In real numbers, the average American with a bachelor’s degree makes $59,124 per year, compared to $38,376 for someone with some college experience, but no degree. Given the typical annual tuition at CSU Global is $8,400 per year, your bachelor’s degree could pay for itself within a few years of graduation.

Finish Your Degree at CSU Global

If you’ve already started a degree, credits you’ve accrued at other schools can be transferred to CSU Global, allowing you to earn your degree even faster. We accept up to 64 credits from community colleges and up to 60 from non-traditional sources, you can transfer up to 90 total credit hours to your CSU Global degree program. That would mean you’re already a senior!

In some cases, two-year colleges are partnered with state universities to allow automatic transfer of an associate degree, making your plans even simpler. 

Did You Know?

If you’ve earned an associate degree from a Colorado Community College System school with a minimum 2.0 GPA, you’ll enjoy guaranteed admission to CSU Global, and a 10% discount on our already low tuition rates! 

No Time Like the Present!

If you’re ready to finish your bachelor’s degree or transition an associate degree into a bachelor’s degree, CSU Global can help. Choose a program that fits your needs and your passions. With a flexible schedule, a wide range of subjects to study, and affordable tuition that’s guaranteed not to rise during your tenure, CSU Global is the perfect way to get your education and your career back on track. Get in touch today!