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Colorado State University Global
June 19, 2017
When I started at CSU Global I was excited, but daunted at the prospect of returning to school. It had been eight years my last academic pursuit. Questions rushed up like a geyser – could I could really do this? Insecurity and self-doubt bubbled up. Was I smart enough? Would I embarrass myself intellectually? It turns out that none of those fears have proven to be the biggest challenge.
During my coursework I discovered that organization is the biggest challenge to my academic goals. I feel (and maybe you do, too), like I’m constantly juggling schoolwork, parenthood, daily housekeeping, family, engagements of all kinds – the list goes on and on (and I’m fortunate to stay at home!). In the beginning, days, weeks, and months whirled down the drain with nothing breaking or brightening the chaotic monotony. I pushed myself too hard and saw that my work was becoming mediocre. I felt my lessons weren’t sinking in and I was burning out. I was frustrated with feeling out-of-breath while only producing sub-par results. There simply had to be a better way to get through the week, and possibly enjoy some of it!
During my coursework I discovered that organization is the biggest challenge to my academic goals.
It turns out there is a better way. I’m not currently working, but it occurred to me that school was my job. Why not schedule my week like I would a job? Think about it; a work week is scheduled with tasks that to be completed that week. An employee doesn’t try to accomplish a full week’s work in one day. With this fresh epiphany, I looked at my weekly assignments and broke them up from Monday to Friday. Using this approach, I turn in assignments ahead of time (an important part of the grade) and I can enjoy some of the weekend.
Monday: Reading and Mastery Exercise
Tuesday: Discussion Post
Wednesday and Thursday: Research and outline for Critical Thinking (a crucial step as it keeps my writing focused and organized – I know, that word again).
Friday: Type and turn-in CT assignments and respond to two discussion posts.
Saturday/Sunday: Sky’s the limit!
Since I implemented this new structure, I find that I have better concentration, and am proud of my work. I also have more time to accomplish other important things like daily housekeeping tasks (I have implemented the same system for daily chores).
But what about those incredible individuals who work full-time, raise a family, and go to school? First of all, you’re all superheros. Second, I strongly encourage you to try an assignment work schedule (think of it as a part-time job). When I learned how to organize my tasks, I spent less time catching up on schoolwork and more time on other things that are important to me. Try it for a month – maybe you’ll be relieved to find that you don’t have a feeling of dread about looming assignments while watching your kid’s practice or rehearsal. Instead, you only have that one assignment to finish that evening. I’ll bet that after two weeks you’ll discover that you have time for a much-deserved glass of wine at the end of your day.