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Colorado State University Global
April 19, 2017
Since January 2017, Colorado State University-Global Campus’ faculty have been showcasing their knowledge, passion, research, and thought-leadership in their field as part of the university’s Faculty Speaker Series. Every other Wednesday from noon-1 p.m. CSU Global students, staff, and faculty can watch the presentation live, ask questions of the presenter, and participate in organic discussion. These presentations are later posted on the CSU Global YouTube channel for public viewing.
Elizabeth Skiwot, Ph.D. recently presented, “Beyond Ms. Magazine: Applications of Feminist Pedagogy in the Online Classroom.” Dr. Skiwot describes her presentation: “Feminist pedagogy involves disturbing patriarchal structures of power and can be applied when working with everyone–not just women.
Online learning presents unique opportunities for applying feminist pedagogical practices, allowing us to empower one another in ways less available in the traditional classroom. Learning about feminist pedagogy can help us all to approach our academic work in ways that continue to foster equality, critical thinking, and intellectual freedom among faculty, students, and staff.”
Dr. Skiwot holds a Ph.D. in comparative literature with a designated emphasis in feminist theory and research. She has experience teaching all levels of English literature and theory; Spanish language, literature, and culture; and Italian language at the post-secondary level. At CSU Global, Dr. Skiwot instructs English composition and literature courses. Her research interests include literature from the Southern Cone and gender studies.
See how Dr. Skiwot defines feminism, conceptual ideas of feminism, and guiding points of feminist pedagogy as it applies to space, knowledge, and agency within the online classroom.
In this installment of our Faculty Speaker Series, instructor Elizabeth Skwiot, Ph.D. discusses feminist pedagogy in the online classroom. She defines feminism, conceptual ideas of feminism, and guiding points of feminist pedagogy as it applies to space, knowledge, and agency within the online classroom.
View all of our Faculty Speaker Series presentations:
Are you a CSU Global student? Access the Faculty Speaker Series in real time and see upcoming presentations in the student portal.