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Colorado State University Global
April 8, 2016
Being a night shift worker and a father of two young children, Fred needed a flexible option to complete his bachelor’s degree. With the flexibility of online classes and the support from CSU Global’s advisors and student success resources, Fred is well on his way to completing his B.S. in Project Management!
What do you do for a living? What is your schedule like?
Fred Vigil: I am a night shift plant Supervisor at CordenPharma Colorado, a chemical production site in Boulder, Colorado. I currently work a 12 hour night shift of a 2-2 3-2 2-3 rotating shift schedule. Simply put, I will only have Wednesday and Thursday night off in the first week and in the second week I will only work on Wednesday and Thursday night.
What inspired you to go back to school to earn your bachelor’s?
Fred: I began my college career at Pueblo Community College, but at the time I was not able to complete my bachelor’s degree. I was inspired to go back to school by watching my colleagues achieve success in my workplace by earning a bachelor’s. I was impressed by how they evolved into leaders and wanted to see that same transformation in myself. I chose CSU Global because it caters to students like me, is affordable, and because of the positive feedback I had received from others who had or were attending CSU Global. I needed a flexible option that allowed me to work around my complicated work schedule.
I also wanted to earn my bachelor’s degree to set a good example for my children. I want them to value education and know that they can do anything that they set their minds to.
Why did you choose the B.S. in Project Management program?
Fred: I chose to enroll in the Project Management program because so much of what we do at my company focuses on projects both big and small. As recently as last year, a project management office opened at my company due to the high number of projects that were coming through. With my experience on the production side of things, I felt that earning an education on the management side would fit nicely and improve my value to the company.
Are you applying what you are learning to your job?
Fred: Absolutely. Though I am early along in my CSU Global journey, I am beginning to see the big picture and starting to understand how and why business decisions are made. I am gaining confidence professionally and getting a better understanding of what it takes to become a leader within my field.
What do you enjoy most about CSU Global? What has been your favorite class so far?
Fred: I enjoy being part of the learning community and knowing that I am not alone in my journey. The discussion boards are great and I enjoy meeting other students and reading their stories. Most of my classmates are in similar situations to myself, working full time while balancing family life and other priorities.
Although I am a project management student, my favorite class so far has been Earth Science. Every week I was amazed by the information in the course. It almost made me want to become a scientist!
What advice do you have for someone who is considering going back to school?
Fred: Just do it! With the ability to study anywhere and at anytime, education has never been more accessible. Talk to a counselor, tell them your interests and you will be on your way!
In my experience, the courses fly by and it’s easy to focus on the 3 credits you’ll receive rather than what you are learning day-to-day. Read, research, reply to more than two of your peers’ discussions, correspond with your instructors. In the end it will be a more rewarding experience.
We love hearing from our students and learning more about their personal CSU Global experiences. We hope they inspire you as much as they inspire us!