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Why You Should Make Education Your Resolution for 2016


January 8, 2016


Happy new year! It is that time of year again to choose and, hopefully, follow through with a new year’s resolution. While many people jump into new fitness and nutrition routines, there are many other ways you can improve yourself in the coming year, one of them being by continuing your education.

At CSU Global, we are firm believers that investing your time, energy, and money in education is something that will benefit both your personal and professional life now and in years to come. Whether you are  looking to gain new skills through a certificate of completion or want to complete your bachelor’s or master’s degree, there is no better time than the present to get started.

Here are four reasons why you should make continuing your education a priority in 2016:

1.  Career Advancement: According to the National Center for Education Statistics in 2014, 34% of adults in the United States have earned a bachelor’s degree and 8% have earned a master’s degree. As the job market becomes more and more competitive, it is important that individuals continue their education to make themselves more competitive so they can land the job of their choice. Earning your bachelor’s or master’s degree is a way to set yourself apart and show that you have invested in yourself, which will bring more respect from employers.

Even if you are already in your career of choice, there are educational opportunities that will help you learn skills to make your current job more efficient or that will help you towards earning a promotion. A certificate of completion is a great way to strengthen skills you already have, or to help you gain new knowledge, skills, and abilities that will give you a leg up when it comes time for advancement opportunities.

2.  Personal Growth: Not only can education help you move up in your career, but it can help you grow on a personal level.  Learning new things helps us broaden our horizons and shape our sense of self, thus improving our confidence and self-esteem. Whether it is formal education or not, life-long learning is something everyone should adopt.  It will help us find new passions and can open up the door to new relationships and opportunities.

While CSU Global’s classes are 100% online, our students still have many opportunities to interact with their faculty members and classmates from around the world. Through discussion boards, students are able to learn from each others experiences and perspectives, not just from what is written in their textbooks.

3.  Overall Happiness and Health: Studies show that continuing formal education has a positive effect on overall health and happiness. According to USA today and the Center for Disease Control, those who have earned their bachelor’s degree are set to live about nine years longer than those who never graduate from high school.

Higher education also leads to more fulfilling and challenging employment opportunities.  According to, 58% those who hold a bachelor’s degree report being very satisfied with their job, as opposed to 50% of those who hold just a high school diploma. Having satisfaction with our work and being able to provide for ourselves and our families brings increased happiness and quality of life.

4.  To Inspire: By challenging yourself through education, you can open the door to countless opportunities for both yourself and the people around you. By making these positive changes in your life, others will be inspired as well, including your children, friends, family members, and coworkers. When they see the positive results you received from earning your degree they will want to improve themselves as well. Continuing your education will have a domino effect that will positively influence our society as a whole.

No matter what your resolution is for 2016, we wish you much health, happiness, and success in the year to come.