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Colorado State University Global
Press Release
June 30, 2023
The United States Supreme Court has issued a decision regarding the use of race in the college admission process. The Colorado State University System, including CSU Fort Collins, CSU Pueblo, and CSU Global, is reviewing our various admission processes with the assistance of legal counsel to ensure we are in compliance with the Supreme Court’s decision.
The CSU System remains steadfastly committed to serving the state of Colorado and the needs of the world through educating a diverse student body. We believe – and research demonstrates – that enrolling students with a broad range of experiences, skills, perspectives and identities helps fulfill our mission to make a college education accessible and enriches the educational experience for everyone. We also believe that recruiting and graduating a student body that reflects changing Colorado demographics is a critical part of our mission, and we will continue to do so using the race-neutral strategies available to us.
CSU Fort Collins, CSU Pueblo, and CSU Global are committed to admitting all qualified students*. We conduct individual, holistic evaluations of students according to established academic standards and consider how students can contribute to and benefit from Colorado State University according to a broad range of factors. This has allowed us to recruit a diverse and academically excellent student body at all our universities and not deny access to a four-year degree to any qualified student. We will continue to consider all applicants for admission as we value and foster diversity in our students, faculty and staff.
In the end, regardless of the tides of legal interpretation, if you have the talent and the motivation to earn a college degree, CSU looks forward to welcoming you.
*In individual programs with capacity restrictions, such as graduate and professional programs and some majors, not all academically qualified students may be admitted to the program. CSU is reviewing all its processes to ensure they are in keeping with SCOTUS requirements in the holistic review of individual candidates.